LEDs: One Of The Smartest And Most Viable Options For Any Lighting Application

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are one of the smartest and most viable options for almost any lighting application. With the most recent advances in chip and driver technology, it has become possible to produce LED lamps with a tremendously longer lifespan, more light while consuming considerably less energy and a smaller carbon footprint than any traditional lighting types. High quality LEDs are quickly becoming the only solution for an increasingly green-minded population.

High quality LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) have a rated lamp life of at least 50,000 hours. Used in a residential application, that equates to approximately 45 years of lamp life. More than likely, you'll never have to change an LED after you install one. You're more likely to move before an LED needs to be replaced. And if that happens to be the case, pack them up and take them with you because they'll most likely still be good for many more years of high quality, low energy light. Used in a 24-hour, round-the-clock commercial application you're looking at approximately 6 years of maintenance-free lighting that is still generating about 85% of its original light output. No matter what traditional lighting source (incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, metal halide & high-pressure sodium lamps) you compare to a similar styled LED, they can't compete with those numbers.

And when comparing the numbers, the energy consumed by Light Emitting Diodes is vastly lower than traditional lighting types, which directly translates to lower utility bills. Further, when using a high-quality LED lamp, you get more light on the ground with 8 watts than you can with a 65(W) watt incandescent lamp or an 18(W) watt compact fluorescent lamp. It only makes sense for a green-minded individual concerned with conserving energy to choose the lower wattage LED option over any of the lesser efficient traditional lighting types.

And if obtaining a cleaner, better light while saving money weren't enough to make the green-minded
individual happy, Light Emitting Diodes are up to 95% recyclable. And, there are no harmful poisons or elements in Light Emitting Diodes which cannot be said for fluorescent lights and compact fluorescent lights. They contain a poison called mercury, which requires a specific method for its disposal. Not only are these two traditional lighting types dangerous, but disposing of them properly after their life span has come to an end is quite expensive. LED tube light replacements do not contain mercury, use less than half the energy & can even be recycled for all of those wishing to take the additional step and do more for the environment.
As I would imagine it is now abundantly clear, high quality LEDs are the best choice for anyone looking to do something good for the environment while obtaining a better lighting source and saving money in the process.

Jack Ellison is a professional green technology writer from the Austin, Texas area. When he is not writing scientific documents for various green energy projects, Jack focuses much of his time writing informative articles on high quality LEDs and commercial-grade LED technology.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Ellison

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