iPad For Beginners - Getting To Know The iPad

In this post we are going to guide you through the basic functions of the iPad and tell you what the main buttons do on the device.

To follow this guide you need to be holding the iPad in a vertical position. Make sure that the "Home" button is facing towards the floor.

The first thing you will notice is the camera lens at the top of the iPad and the "Home" button at the bottom. You will use the camera lens when you are holding a Facetime meeting or anything that involves a camera.
The "Home" button has a wide range of uses but to start you off on the right track the best way to think of it is an exit key. Anytime you are using an app and you want to get out of it just tap the Home button and you will go back to the main screen.

On the top left you will have the headphones socket - you should have some that came with the iPad and this is where you will plug them in. On the top right at the side you will have a slider button. This has two functions:

You can use the slider button to mute the iPad.

Or you can lock the screen display of the iPad to swap it from flipping between horizontal and vertical.
You can pick which one you want to use in Settings > General > "Use Side switch to".

Lastly, underneath the side switch you have the volume controls. If you tap the upper part of the button you increase the volume and if you tap the lower part of the button it will decrease.

If you hold the lower part of the button for a few seconds it will mute the iPad.
Right at the very bottom of the iPad underneath the Home button you have the socket to plug the charger in.

I hope this has given you a better understanding of what each button does on your iPad.

Try out each of the buttons and you will quickly become accustomed to what they do. Don't be worried to try if you are new as that is the only way you will learn.

As long as you remember to use the Home key at the bottom to get back to the starting screen if you get stuck. Once you understand the buttons on the iPad you will be ready to start using it which we will cover in another article.

Chris Jones invites you to check out Tablet Mastered which is a complete step by step video course to master the iPad: http://www.tabletmastered.com/

To get started using the iPad like a pro - Check Out > iPad Lessons

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_Luke_Jones

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